Whilst much of the improvement from strokes takes place within the first 6-months (Are you in hospital or now at home, having had your stroke within the last 6 months?), experience with our patients provides the good news that significant improvements can occur after the first 6-months and occasionally even several years post-stroke.
After the initial period of recovery from a stroke, people settle back into daily life and learn to use the skills they learned in stroke rehab going forwards. Over time the stroke leg and foot may become stiffer. Sometimes the stroke hand becomes painful and tight. We examine all of your movements and advise on treatment, and sometimes equipment, which may be helpful in minimising discomfort and maximising your ability.
Recovering from a stroke can be a long and challenging journey. Treatment by one of our neurological physiotherapists will provide you with access to a qualified professional who always has time to answer your questions, as well as providing constant reassurance and guidance.
If you’ve ever been to a musculo-skeletal physiotherapist, you’ll be surprised at how different a neurological physiotherapy session is. Our approach is very much hands-on, because it is the responsibility of the physiotherapist to help your body do things it has lost the ability to do on its own – and so help to re-educate the brain on how to achieve movement.
Our physiotherapists activate muscles, and re-align muscles and joints by physically moving your body. Although it may be hard work both for you and the physiotherapist, it is by re-educating your brain and body through actual movement that progress in rehabilitation can be achieved.
Your progress is dependent on many factors; asides from the amount and quality of rehabilitation treatment, factors such as your determination to improve, willingness and ability to do home exercises, and the support of your family and friends are all important.
If your stroke has occurred with in the last 6-months, please see our information on recent strokes.
find out more
Sitting less and moving more is key in stroke recovery
Why and how neuro physiotherapy works in stroke recovery
The benefits of seeing a neuro physiotherapist following diagnosis of any neurological condition