Cauda Equina Syndrome
I cannot recommend heads up! highly enough. Further to cauda equina syndrome I was left with bilateral footdrop and weakness from the waist down, particularly on my left side. I was unable to walk unaided (and had been told it was unlikely I ever would) or for any particular distance, could not lift my baby and was anxious taking my 3 year out alone. The footdrop had begun to resolve when I came to heads up! but the muscles were not functioning properly resulting in quite debilitating pain and discomfort when walking. My NHS physiotherapist had told me this was what I would have to live with for the rest of my life. On the other hand my lasting memory of my first meeting with my heads up! neurological-physiotherapist soon after was her saying “you have boys, we need to get you running”. At the time I honestly couldn’t believe this would ever be a realistic possibility and was wholly skeptical. But heads up! reputation as a UK leading expert in their field is entirely justified.
After six months of treatment under heads up! I may not quite be ‘running’ yet but I’m well along the way. I not only walk completely unaided, but normally – if you didn’t know, you wouldn’t know. I can lift my baby, I have spring back in my legs, and my confidence at being in charge of both my boys out and about has been completely restored. heads up! has made a profound difference to my life going forwards and for our young boys and I will be eternally grateful. Thank you again for everything.
Find out more about physiotherapy for Cauda Equina Syndrome.