On the 1st December 2002 my husband, Ian, had a stroke three weeks before his 62nd birthday. His right side and speech were badly affected, but mobility improved quite quickly. However, without constant physiotherapy over the years (some NHS and some private) his mobility deteriorated until 2010, when after a bad fall and two long spells in hospital, he could no longer get around the house without a wheelchair, or ride his mobility scooter, or get into and out of the passenger seat of the car. I had looked after him alone for almost 8 years, but now had to pay for help from carers in the morning and evenings.
I was in despair over Christmas 2010, and contemplating purchasing an electric wheelchair, after obtaining a wheelchair accessible vehicle (I cannot push him far in an ordinary wheelchair, and he can’t propel himself, because of his weak right hand). In the New Year I was googling Stroke Rehab, wondering what the future held and I discovered heads up! and our lives changed almost immediately. Ian was assessed in February 2011 and we have visited their clinic in South Holmwood near Dorking, weekly throughout the year. Within a few weeks Ian was able to get into the passenger seat of the car again, and he has made great progress since. When the clocks went forward for the summer I cancelled the evening care worker visits, and I was able to put him to bed myself at a proper bedtime. The money I saved pays for our weekly treatment visits to heads up! Our GP is most impressed with Ian’s progress. Even his speech is improving, along with his confidence. I take him to stroke clubs four days a week, so our lives are pretty full again and things are really looking up, thanks to heads up! I feel really lucky that I discovered heads up! – they have saved my sanity.