Winter 2016 – 2017
In this series of simple exercises and advice about keeping mobile during the winter months, there are some that people will find easy and also there are some people that will find everything hard.
As we are all different and have individual ways of moving, there is no substitute for the specific advice and individually tailored exercises which are given during a treatment session with one of our clinical specialist neurological physiotherapists at heads up!
If you are in any doubt about the suitability of any of the exercises suggested then please do not do them. Ideally the first time you do them it would be helpful to do them with another person. All the exercises suggested are best performed as part of a daily routine, for example after brushing your teeth in the morning so that you do them regularly and consistently.
Although we are unable to give specific advice over the phone, we are always happy to talk to anyone who feels that an individual assessment would be useful.
If you are stiff after suffering a stroke or because you have some other neurological disorder affecting your muscle stiffness such as Parkinson’s or cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis then some simple daily exercises can help alleviate stiffness. Regularity is key and making exercises a part of your daily routine.
Getting ready to be active
It is said that sitting is the new smoking. Sitting for prolonged periods is especially detrimental to health. It is often difficult for people who have neurological disability to move around and standing up may not be easy.
It is difficult for anybody to go from being very inactive to being active so if you have been sitting for a long time, it will be easier to get up if you wake your body up a bit first. So sit up as tall as you can to begin with, then take three or four deep breaths in and out, bigger each time and keep sitting up tall as you breathe out. This wakes up the muscles of the back and the tummy.
Next look over to the right side and then to the left, moving your head gently and slowly to each side, three times each way. Next sit up as tall as you can then blow to the left and then blow to the right and do this twice each way. Then repeat moving the head from side to side slowly turning as far as is comfortable each way.
Place your hands together or support one wrist with the other hand and gently reach both hands forwards over your knees, gently bringing your back away from the back of the chair and do this five times. Take another three deep breaths before you take both hands forwards and then over to the left and then over to the right side three times each way.
These exercises prepare the body for activity and are a useful way to get ready to stand up after you have been sitting down for some time.
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