I have noticed a massive change since coming to heads up! It takes a long time, the foot work and core strength have really helped. The work on my feet means, I can now move my feet more, walking is smoother. When I first came to heads up! I could stand for about an hour and now I can stand for four hours a day. I’m more on my feet now; beforehand it felt like muscles that needed to be activated. I’m getting looser and getting stronger.
My physiotherapist Claire has referred me to all the right people and has given me a second chance.
Antonia Lister-Kaye (Cerebral Palsy)
I have had cerebral palsy since birth. I arrived at heads up! barely able to walk and desperate as I had always been able to walk after a fashion. Anna gave me no false promises, but I left after the assessment and first treatment feeling that at last, I had met with someone who knew what they were talking about. The exercises I was given were clearly designed to address my difficult problem.
After a further couple of sessions and conscientious exercising, there was a very noticeable improvement, while I was not yet ready to join a corps de ballet! After six sessions, my walking has improved quite spectacularly and also my body balance.
It is apparent to me that heads up! are capable of treating very challenging neurological-physical conditions that have defeated many others in the field.
Hannah Hillary (Cerebral Palsy)
I was recommended to heads up! by my orthotist who introduced me to neurological-physiotherapy. After many years of conventional physiotherapy the heads up! team created a programme which has been very beneficial to my needs and has improved my life massively. The neurological physiotherapists that have been working with me have been extremely supportive and understanding. Back in the summer I injured my leg, the local hospital took a long time to diagnose the problem. My specialist neurological physiotherapist worked extremely hard to support me and get me mobile again to which I cannot thank her enough. I would strongly recommend heads up! stroke and neurological physiotherapy to anyone with a neurological condition as they are fantastic!